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Username:samsaraxxx75, 49 years
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I play mostly:Spades - played 13803 times
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Super Ludo1772 / 17260
Painted Yatzy1316 / 1603556

Profile for samsaraxxx75


Hi all i'm Linda 36 yrs old  from Scotland , have 2 boys Kieran and Connor aged 14 and 11. Have made some dear friends on here too many to mention but u know who you are!
Like lady gaga, Basshunter, DJ Cammy, Cascada, Leona Lewis and loads of others. Fancy a game just gimmee a shout :)
Remembering my gr8 niece kennedy who passed last year 13/09/2010 awaiting a liver and bowel and pancreas transplant (clean sweep ) , love you the world and back lil KK xxx Auntie Linda loves and misses you infinity and beyond, your my world lil angel , be good and Auntie Linda see you soon xxx Photo is KK as we called her... starting nursery! xxx
6 Years old , you were so brave baby. 

. .
sam i am ! welcome back xo
i hope you have a great easter!<3ash
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you ams your dear ones sweety, love ya bunches.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
A very Merry Christmas samsara hunny and a Happy New Year to you and your dear ones hunny, love ya bunches xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
glad u had a great christmas love u loads n loads xxxx
Merry X mas ,hun,God bless you and your beatifuls children! Love you!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you love ashy<3
tysm Fairy hun xxxxx
hey sam ss for your loss hun. be strong and know she is not hurting any more. she is beautiful. xx
ty ash hun xxxx
hey sammmm just wanted to say that i am sorry for your loss be strong and she is very beautiful and im here for you your friend ash<3
hey sammmm just wanted to say that i am sorry for your loss be strong and she is very beautiful and im here for you your friend ash<3
sam i hope you know kennedy is looking down on you and knows you love and miss hert very much ......be strong
love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu tooooooooooooooooo xxx
LOVE LOVE LOVE you Sams <3
Always loving the most beautiful girl on the net!!! <3 mmm mmmm mmmmm
I love you Beautiful <3
hey hun ss 4 your loss..she's with the lord now..find peace in that...love ya much...be blessed and your family oxoxox
Happy New Year Samssss!
Happy New Year to you and yours ... have a good'un !! xx
ah look at the wee scotish school girl lass. aint she sweet xo oz
women has amazing strengths, she can deal with stress & carry heavy burdens; she smiles when she feels like screaming. She sings when she feels like crying. She cries when she's happy & laughs when she's affraid; her love is unconditional. There is only 1 thing wrong with her. She forgets what she is worth!!

Love ya girl!!!
***TAG*** I just tagged you (1) Where ever you may be...Happy Holidays to you and your family from mine! Thanks for being a part of my life and being such an awesome friend I hope we have many more years to come (1) xoxoxo
awwwwwww sams that is the most beautiful thing i have ever read its sooo sweet...my heart goes out to you and ur family. love ya heaps :D
tysm all :) xxxxx
she was a very sweet lil girl. sorry 4 your loss sam
Beautifully said Sam hon, and we are all sharing your loss. ilona xxxxxxx
awww hun that is beautiful xxx
So Sorry to hear about your neice...she was a fighter till the end.Prayers with you and your Family..Luv ya xoxox
omg hun i gonna kick his ass big time he pushed me oot the road so he could type u a message lmfao
io kidnapper wheres me dug gonna call cops on ya get ma dug back..marc... xx
Hey.. Sams.. your so pretty and sweet.. muahs adore u. Never change..
❤❤¸.•*¨*•☆ Happy Valentine's Day ☆•*¨*•.¸¸❤❤
Love you so much beautiful <3
omg you an hugs
the terrible 2 some
2 firery scots what more could ob ask for
and 2 great friends
happy new year babes wont be on as im goin away for new year so i thought id say a quick happy new year

have a good one babes

loves ya

dannyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Merry Christmas and New Year hun..xxxxxxxx
Merry Christmas to you and yours samssssss
Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!! xoxo~Sommer
Wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours hun xx
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We wish you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year

Have a good one hunny - enjoy, be well and be safe.

merry xmas sweetie
I love you baby <3
love the pic hun xx
hi hun just reminding you that ya 4got about meeeeeee xxxxxx lmao
Hi stranger.....Writting from forfar,,here...lol...How's it going hun NICE..Pic's hun..LUV YA LAOD'S...lozyyyyyyyyy
I love you sao much Sams!!!! <3
well i see how it is you forgot the main 1 meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lmfaooooooooo
haha skunkbag jealousy gets u everywhere lol
Welcome back !!!! missed ya...xoxoxox
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hey u loves ya xxx
awwwwwwwwwwwww nice pick huny did he get any fish lol
hi samssssssssssss
u ready for a pt xxxxx
Samsssssssssssssss!!!!! I Love you so much sweetie!
wooohooooo wb wb wb missed ya hunni xxxx
omg hun miss u so much u soon be back with us hopefully weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xxxx
Happ Mothers Day !!!!! Luv you and miss you xxxxxxxxxxx
w00t w00t. So so so much love for you babe! weeeeeeeeeeeee
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wuvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ya lmao
Happy new yearrrrrrr auntie linda :) hope yiou had a great time love yah xxxx
yeah happy new year hunni xxxxx
hi sam happy new year love yur huny
Hi lovely, i wish you a Happy New Year!
guess im on the tough luck group! lol........loves ya g/f HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Hey hows all you lot over there i'm very very pleased kennedy is doing fine now what a shock she gave everyone..send her my hug's and kiises and too her mum shelly..and sister donna from me please.xxx
merry christmas and a happy new year hun
hi hun i wish you a happy new year
love andrea
Lindaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Sending you some SUPA love!!!! Hope you have a very blessed Holiday. Me LOVES you David James
Hi Linda,

Thank you so much.....
I wish you and all yr loved ones a blessed Christmas and a happy, joyful and above all healty 2009!!

Hey merry xmas and new years to you hope you have a good one
Dee :-)
Merry Christmas hun have a good one and a very good NEW YEAR !!!! luv ya xx
hiya hun looking goood ;)....Have a merry christmas and a Happy New Year hugz xxxxxx
great picture hun. I love it. You are such a great friend dont know what i would do without you love ya to bits. xxxx
Weeeeeeeeeeee greatr pics hon, shame u didnt brighten them up a bit b4 posting them tho, wanna seeeeee tham.... hahahahaha love n hugs from your polski mate... ilona the great!!!!! hahaha xxxx
Looking good cillia mouth :P:P
love you lots and lots
kayleighhhh xxxx
sam if you was a man in that photo id swear you was peeing in the ocean
missing u so much hun,cant wait till your back with us love u sis !!!!:(:(:(
hi ya sis hurry up n get better soon allways thinking about ya i no u can do it keep that chin up
loves ya
ur little sis lol xxxxxx
hey hun i will always be here for u no matter what u can call me anytime off the day or night me loves ya lots xxx
helllloo im back lol omg yes i see profile views lmao stalker xxxx
Hi little sammygirl :D
great to know you! Always fun to see you around here..
Greetz and hugs
hello yes work to much 78 hours this week its rotten im off friday this week thats it no time to be on unless its an hour after work xxx
awww your boys are so sweet hun they look like they having fun luv ya xx
SNIFF!!!!!!!!!!!!SNIFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Samsaraaaaaaaaaa You smell MAAVELOUSSSSSSSSSSSSS DAHLING!..BIg moose kiss
ah the scottish lassie of the hilands. nice pics and at least your smart enough to get a canadian dog xo be safe and keep well oz xo
hellllooooo uuuuuuuuuu just thought i would pop in and say helllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo is that classed as spamming lmao xxxx
Heyyy auntie lindda :D
love youuuuu millions :D
always here for you :D
great picys :D
love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
kays xxx
Heyyy nice profile babe's and k there too.awwwwww love ye too hunni,your my best friends up in scotland and if it wasnt for you been there for me god know's what i owuld have done...missing ye load's think of you too..make sure ye get ye bum over too mine's on da bus hehe.xxx
Hey Sam just dropped in to say ello..lol..Great pics hun...glad to be ur friend hun!!! xxxxxxxx
whhhheeeeeyyyy hhhhheeeeeeeyyyyy lol have fun xxxx
hey sis didnt realise u had a GB !!!!
loves ya millions hun and remember we are ALLWAYS here for u norm and boys ur a friend in a million
take care hun
lynne xxxxxx
Heeyyy Auntie Linda Love You Millionss !!!!!!
Have A Great New Year
Always Here 4 U
All My Love
hey linda ... :) just thot id drop by say hello
hiya hunni, just sending some we deserved love your way hunni. Hope you have some great holiday's with your family! Love ya David James