yvw hun.. I am glad you got it and happy new year to you and corfu luv you loads hun xxxxx marwa xxx
hey hun..Just dropping by to wish u a very merry christmas and happy new year ... kay has grown into a hottie like here mama :p hugz hun xxxxxx
gr8 pics sis! Love ya loads, and hope u had a gr8 xmas mwah!!! xxxx
GirliEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Nice pics!!! Get some of yourself put on hun!!!! C U soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey My Girlieeeeeeee........... Just dropipin you and Kayssss some love from Me and lil Gotttttttta weeeeeeeee We love you both!!!!
ok ill sing. you awsome hun and your daughter too. luvs to cor
weeee hello sis, just dropping by to give ya my love , love u n kayleigh loadssssssssssssss xxxxxxxxx love always sis xxxxxx
hello u just been nosying at ur coents!
Heyyy love you millions and trillions too best mum ever and you mean your getting old LOVE !!!!!!!!!! hmmm 36 in MARCH !!!!!! isnt it ? love u lots kayleighxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
weeeeeeeeee just had to drop some more love to u and kays....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love yas Sunshine
hya hunni u and kays are so lovley i thought id show some love loves ya both xx tulaaa x
Hi lyne just popped in to say hi and i love the pics, im pretty new to o/b so will look out for u. tc x x
just popped in to say hi and nice profile u got there.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey hunni...You are a sweety and so is sweet Kayleigh..She is a joy and i love talkin to her..Reminds me alot of my 13 yr old daughter...Lots of love.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sunshine
hiya cool profile just popped in to say hiii ! bubbi xx xxstaceyxx xx
Hi sis just popped in to say hi , love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lynne, just sending you some David love your way. Hope you and your family have a very blessed 2008. Love you lots. David James
Hiya hun Happy new year to u hun .. wish u and ur little brat princess all the best in 2008.. luv ya both hun xxxxxx
HO HO HO my dear and a whole lotta love from new zealand.. merry xmas and happy and safe new year.. to all your family as well..xxxxxx Lyn
....../___ ...... ....'/_____...... .... o o)))).....__## ..... (< ) /)))......#### ... '{'~` })/#'..##### .. //{ _ } '/_/#{}##### ..// .{_}.(. ).'####### '/ \____/ . .\_####### '\______/ .\__####### .. \_________####### .. __[X]_____######/ .. /_________ ..##'##/ .. ......./....... ....""""""" .. ___/ .___\__ .. .. _ /_...._ _ \_ .. ..(__,_) .(__,_).. Merry Christmas!!!
And a merry christmas to you all too xx have a good one xx
Hiya Lynne, Just sending Christmas wishes to you and Kays, may all you wish for come true. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!! Hugsss Anna
hey sweet lynn u a r a gr8 friend who cheats alot but still fun to play the dbls quuenie for sure hehehe
Hey girlfriend I am so glad you are back. I missed you so much. Your a sweet person and i enjoy playing you. Love ya hun debbie
Beautiful photos, my daughter and I play here her name is strarlett68 shes 12.
YOUR so lucky!!!! cheltenham town.... you will suffer when you go down lol!!! thanks for a fab weekend next time you can come to me!!! love ya to bits , you and all your lovely family, what hospitaly you showed me and sure kindness.....it's hard to find good friends online but i've found 2 xxxxxxxxxxxx
Look at those 2 beautiful ladies! Watch out boys ... Kayleigh is on the loose...LOL! Stay sweet! Huggsss Anna
Girlieeeeee!!!!! come on Leeds......thanks for having us both , we've had a great time....:) cheers second mum xxx
It is rare to find someone special, Who can touch a life in such a wonderful way. Thankyou for your caring thoughtfullness. I am grateful to know someone as special as you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Love you lots hunni xoxoxoxox
heyyyyyyy you !!!!!!! Take care =))
omg shush sarah :O pffffffft and oh hi lynne xxxx :D
What ever you and corfu say about mars its all true!!! hehe :) xx
hey hunni very nice love corfu she's a sweetie xxxx
omg willyou and ur daughter stop saying that about me rofl :O
hey hunnie well what can i say i love u n u good friend hun love u to bits hun t.c hun scotty xxxxxxxxxxxx n u have a wonderfull daugther love u too corfu xxxxxxx scotty
hey ob thug no2 lmao love ya girlie brill laughs we have here keep on smiling uk roooocks innit lmao foxyyyyy xxx mwah
Heyyyyyyyyyy SEXI!!!! Just here to send some LOVE you way! Once I get all healed up we'll work on that baby! hehe Love ya David James
Hey hun Im so glad I met you and corfu on here-you both always make me laugh.Dont ever change! Love ya Jolene
Hey there sweetheart.You know I have seen alot of mom's protect thier lil cubbys in here.But corfu is one chick I would KNOW better then to mess with.Omgoodness, Have all of OB on u..You raising a very sweet girl.Hats off to you Mom! Keep up the good work and God Bless YOU. amanda aka Bia
hi hun.. its been a pleasure knowing u and sweet corfu.. u r such a beautiful person... hope we stay friend for ever tc love ya loads xxxxxx
HEyyyyyy mum thanks for getting us GBS:D ur the best mum in world love u lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx