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Onlinebandit Vulture
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Username:xxsunnyxx, 60 years
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Online status:Offline, last seen 
I play mostly:Spades - played 29705 times
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Winner against the computer
Loser against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Loser against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Loser against the computer
Loser against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Loser against the computer
Winner against the computer

Tournaments won Players Opponent
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Game Won / Lost Best score
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Spades12457 / 168110
Backgammon6090 / 698214
Painted Yatzy2391 / 2866565

Profile for xxsunnyxx


this is my place to come and have fun with a few good friends and play a few games it is a good place to relax....most the time

sunny babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

sunny who your boyfriendv now ? getting strangled lately ? lol
happy ne year sunny ! you adorable thing you !
sunny did you find a guy or do you just get one every month like the old days ?
oh sunny your so beautifull, its not fair !
oh sunny your kids are adorable !
Hi Sunny I don't know if you remember me but this is Leanna from along long time ago I used to play bg with you all the time. And I just remember how sweet you were to me. I hope you are doing well
oh look at sunny grand ma lllllooooollla all the boys checking ya out lol
Sunny... u already know but I'm gonna tell ya again I LOVE YOU!!!!!
merry christmas hun and a happy new year xxx
Who LOVES you????????
sunnnnnyyyyy weeeeee how ya doin thought i would stop by and say hello gtg byeeeeee
ive just decided ur MAD !!!!!!!!! but i loves ya really :-P
are they ur babies ? my god they are so cute
I am slowly going crazy!
ok sunny, who are u ? and wot games do u like 2 play ? ur soo quiet these days i just dont know . hun from 1 crazy person 2 another ....keep being crazy ,try 2 keep up with the master , if u need help shout me lol ... names 1uk ...remember it !