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I play mostly:Painted Yatzy - played 15499 times
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Loser against dalejr88
Loser against seamus1
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Winner against vickimatt
Winner against vickimattBay919daysfan31
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Painted Yatzy

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Painted Yatzy8026 / 7399600
Ludo1034 / 15500
Yatzy784 / 740445

Profile for force33


I have been dealing with some serious health issues lately, and I have learned my life maybe full of unknowns right now and I am not sure where I will end up and what I will have to go through to get there. I can only hope that I follow the right path and it leads to where I need to be in life. There are no smooth roads in life there is always a few bumps and detours but that is part of life. This another chapter in the story of my life. She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails. One thing I learned is life doesn't turn the way we picture it. Life tends to knock you down and tries to keep you down. You just have to learn how to get back up and fight. "I knew when I met you an adventure was going to happen." -Winnie The Pooh.
If it came down to it I would protect you in a heartbeat. - Nicholas Sparks.
I will be the bad guy even if I didn't do anything wrong. Just so you would leave me alone.
"Old ways won't open new doors."
Be your own kind of Beautiful.
It's the little things in life.
Love ya Sis!!!
Happy Easter forcey!!! yay<3ash lol