Hi Everyone, I live in Waterloo, ON, a short distance from Toronto. I ahve two 18yr old twins that will be attending university this fall . I enjoy all the games but I am not so geat at Yahtzee, still working on that game.
I have been very fortuante to meet some wonderful people while playing in both the tourneys and regular games on this site. Everyone is always pleasant. I woudl like to thank all the TD.s for all their hard work to make all this possible, I envery their ability to keep the rooms going with all the chatter and questions coming from everywhere. As I get to know more people I would love to be added to their group o friends.
Good Luck to everyone and see you in the rooms
Hi Everyone, I am from Waterloo, Ontario, very close to Toronto. I have two 18yr old twins, b/g. They are both university bound this fall and I welcome the extra time I will have to play on OB. All the players I have had the pleasure to play are exttremely pleasant. My weakest game is Yahtzee, although I am working on my skills I enjoy the tounraments, hope to play more. Thank you for accepting me in this wonderful group of people, I look forward to getting to know you over the months . A warm hello to xxDXX, Winnie, saunandsea, Mom2, DarkAngel and all the others who make this site a perfect place to play yahtzee.